President Hassan Rouhani told reporters on Wednesday that the next Parliament would no longer be in control of a single party; “here is the Islamic Republic of Iran and the system would not set aside its best and most valuable and expert forces, of any political party or group or ideology, seeking to serve their country; all parties and groups (legally recognized groups) are respected and equal when it comes to the rule of law,” he said. “The executive authority of the elections would not disqualify the members of certain political parties to deprive them of their rights of political participation,” Rouhani asserted.
“The Guardian Council has a supervisory role, but not an executive one; this is the government which actually does the task, and in some cases, it has necessary means to prevent election disorders and possible fraud; the Guardian Council plays the role of the eye, which could not do an executive task which is specific to government,” Rouhani told the press, demanding that all government bodies and organizations provide the excellent conditions for healthy elections.
Rouhani then sideswiped the highly debated issue of nuclear deal; “the true meaning of negotiation is trade-off; our major objectives had been to maintain enrichment and R&D and development to higher levels has now been recognized in the JCPOA; this is the outcome of a green light signaled by the collective conduct of the government vis-à-vis the international community, which ultimately brought the nuclear issue to an end and the powers to negotiation table,” he asserted.
“What is absolutely valuable is that we sent messages to the world to communicate with them that we are resolved to a constructive interaction, which were well received by the world; this would not be possible unless we ventured into the field of concrete decisions and action; without our green light and message, no one would come to table to negotiate with us; the previous negotiation team only read political statements, while we needed real and lively negotiations,” said the president.
Rouhani emphasized that negotiations would ideally mean to understand the other side’s intended meanings and to have him understand one’s own intended meaning; “this is to have a common ground where both sides guarantee a minimum level of demands and interests in the negotiation; there should always be a space and opportunity for the dialogue; in any negotiation, there is a common point of departure, and through negotiation both sides come to a common territory on which they should strike the deal,” he told the press.
Rouhani cited the elimination of Resolution 1929 by the Resolution 2231; “Resolution 1929 would allow other countries to inspect our maritime, land road, or airborne cargo whenever they wanted; this would precipitate conflict and ultimately lead to war,” he emphasized. “The world powers found that Iran’s peaceful nuclear program would not be completely destroyed during the negotiations; any other country than Iran with enrichment program, would face international opposition and it would abandon nuclear activities to avoid conflict; however, we came triumphant in this great battle to fulfil its main objective,” he added.
President Rouhani admitted that having sanctions removed in banking, transportation, and other important economic sectors the second crucial government objective in negotiations; “we succeeded in confirming the removal of sanctions, while they advocated suspension and gradual removal of sanctions, which is a considerable success for us after so long a negotiation,” he rejoiced to say. “A bright future requires that we improve hope, unity and solidarity among the nation; when a nation puts confidence on its government, a social capital is formed, which would help tackle the most difficult situations possible,” he said.
He cited sanctions still on place, lower oil prices, and other natural problems as drought and limited resources as the major issues facing the country; “this is not to step back to avoid the issues; the government’s responsibility as well as feat is to mobilize the public and manage the same limited resources,” president concluded.
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